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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Attention new blog - Gora Sikh blog

Recently I had many people coming to my DESI LEGEND blog with search word GORA, WHITE SIKH, BLACK SIKH, CONVERTING TO SIKHISM. If you are one of them or you would not mind reading about people becoming sikhs or exploring Sikhi go to

GORA SIKH BLOG is about people who became or becoming sikhs by choice, about exploration of sikh culture & sikh soul, about mixed marriage & anything else you want. Inspirational stories, photos, videos & many more. Do you know anyone? What's your view on people converting or learning about Sikhism? Do you have any friends who are interested in exploring Sikhi way of life?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear fellow Sikh,

I am so so happy you have asked on your blog for peoples view about converting to sikhism. I really hope to motivate you on helping the youth in our sikh community realize their true roots and not be confused about the compulsory youga and search for inner sound current and enlightment that the Gora Sikhs from New Mexico Try to Assoicate with sikhism.